10 exercises to become taller in one week even after 20



You may have different reasons for dreaming of becoming taller, or perhaps your partner is towering over you and you feel uncomfortable because of that, oh, maybe your family is tall and you just don't want to lag behind. However, everybody knows that height depends on many factors, environment, hormones, genes, and nutrition. But if you've always believed that you must just grin and bear it think twice. It's hard but not impossible to change your height even after 25.

The thing is that people grow until they reach the age of 20 to 25 then your chances to add an inch or two seem to come to an end. What's more, after 40 your body starts to shrink. However, some exercises help you become taller. Some of them are just so effective that it may take less than a week for you to see the results. Here are several recommendations that will help you to increase your height. Just keep in mind that the result will depend on your age. And if you're older than 25, you won't have to buy longer pants suddenly.

Number 1: Hanging exercises

This exercise is extremely convenient because you don't need any special equipment to do it. Surely, if you go to the gym, you can use bullet bars but if you don't have time or wish to do any sports, just a tree branch check how safe it is first, or the monkey bars at the nearest playground will be enough. All you need to do is hold on to the bars tightly and try to have not to touch the ground with your feet for as long as you can. Position your form so that they face away from you relax your body. It should feel loose. Start with 20 seconds then gradually increase the time. There are several benefits of this exercise. First of all, this is an antigravity one. Secondly, every muscle in your body stretches when you have these stretched muscles receive more blood as it circulates better in the stretch limbs. What's more, oxygen moves better in the whole body. All in all, this leads to a gradual, natural stretch.

Number two, downward dog


To do this exercise, get down on your hands and knees. Your hands should be in front of your shoulders. Raise your knees from the floor, your tailbone should be lifted towards the ceiling. Push your heels toward the floor gently. This will help to stretch the hamstrings. You should stay this way for five to 10 seconds. The effect will be best if you repeat this five times.
As for the benefits of this post, they are numerous in respect to becoming taller. This exercise improves stretchability, which includes arms, legs, back, calves, and hamstrings. And a well-stretching body is a taller body.

Number 3: Cobra pose


 For the next exercise, you'll need a score. Man, lie down on the floor. Your palms should stay face down position near the middle of your ribs. Your leg should be together the tops of your feet flat on the floor. Use your back muscles, not your arms to lift the chest from the floor. stay this way for 20 seconds. This exercise helps to stretch all the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and abdominals. What's more, it has several additional benefits such as decreasing the stiffness of the lower back, increasing flexibility strengthening your shoulders and arms, and firming and toning the buttocks.

Number 4: Cat and cow stretch

Take a position on your hands and knees. Slowly brush your spine up and Archer back.
This is the cat pose. stay this way for five seconds then Change the position to the Cow Pose. scoop your spine in, lift your head and press the shoulder blades back.
Repeat this step 10 times.

This exercise stretches your torso back and neck. What's more, it makes your spinal alignment better. Also, it helps abdominal muscles get stronger, relieves back pain, and calms you down.

Number 5:

have stretch. faced the wall standing a bit more than an arm's length away. Step forward with your right leg. your left leg should be extended behind you with a heel flat on the floor.
Start to bend your right knee pressing down on the heel of your left leg. stay this way for about five seconds, then
switch the legs.
As you become more acquainted with this exercise, increase the duration you stay in the position up to 20 seconds and more. This process will help you to lengthen your calf muscles. Don't forget to breathe during the exercise where you're relaxing and avoiding the urge to tense

Number 6: Neck scratch


Sit down on a chair, it should properly support your back. Start to bend your chin until it touches your chest. If it's hard to do, bend your neck as far as it can go without you feeling pain. stay in this position for 20 seconds, raise your head. Repeat this five times. Then tilt your head back as if you want to see the stars. stay this way for 20 seconds then straighten your head. Repeat this exercise five times.
Such movements are called Flexi and stretching the neck forward and extension. stretching the neck backward helped to elongate the muscles in your neck and a longer neck will give you additional height.

Number 7: Hip flexor stretch


This exercise will super effectively stretch your hip flexors. To begin with, get down on your left knee positioning your right foot on the floor in front of you. Put your hands on the right knee at the same time pressing your hips forwards you should feel a good stretch in your hip flexors. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds, then switch legs. To make the stretch more intense, lift your arms over your head and arch your body back.

Number 8: Lifting up to your toes


This exercise is popularly known as vibration gymnastics. There have been claims that regular practice can even prolong your life by decades. Stand straight with your heels raised about two inches. Hold and fall back on your heels. Repeat this for 30 seconds eight to 10 times a day. When your heels are raised, the largest blood vessels are filled with blood due to muscle contractions. And when the heels are dropped back down, the blood turns around and immediately starts Moving towards your heart, thus reducing the strain on it. At the same time, blood gets access to all the muscles, thus allowing them to scratch much better.

Number 9: Skipping

Skipping is another way to become taller. This is a hard pumping activity. What is more, this is a high-speed activity and when you skip all the muscles and ligaments of your body stretch and contract as a result, they become more elastic. Additionally, skipping makes the whole body slimmer and with a slimmer body, you look taller

Number 10: Swimming


Swimming is one of the most effective exercises to gain height. The thing is that it stretches both the body and the spine. Moreover, when a person is swimming gravitation doesn't affect them, so when they keep moving their muscles this stretches the body extremely well simultaneously having a great effect on the spine while it gets longer. The most fruitful swimming style is the breaststroke. When you use it while swimming, you extend your legs and arms straight, so your body is pulled in the opposite direction and well stretched. Try to swim a minimum of five days a week for several hours and you'll see noticeable results. Are you satisfied with your height? If not, what exercises do you use? To become taller, tell us in the comments below. 


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