10 things girls think guys like but they actually don't


Thanks to women's magazines and dating books there is a blurred line between what guys really like and what they can't stand while we are all about women doing whatever makes them happy there are some times they might be trying to impress a guy and they're going about it in the completely wrong way. I'm just wait until you see this popular dating tactic that guys would wish you would stop doing Stay tuned to find out what it is. Before we get into it. Don't forget to subscribe to see more videos like this. Now let's take a peek at 10 things girls think guys like but they actually don't.

  1. Taking too much care of them


When it comes to being in a relationship with a guy the last thing they want to do is date someone who acts like their mother. This may sound weird because many times women believe they should take care of their guy. While that may be true when they are sick or ask for help.


 They don't need someone being at their service 24 hours a day. Examples of what we mean are telling him when to get a haircut making appointments for him or doing tasks for him that he didn't ask for help with. If you don't live with your guides. There is a pretty good chance you shouldn't be doing his laundry. And when it comes to nagging him about doing stuff, it's just not going to work. 

You should always treat a guy as if he can think for himself because Surprise, surprise, men are actually fully capable of taking care of themselves. So just ease up a little and let him do his thing. Plus, this is ideal for you because you won't run the risk of eventually resenting him there was a pretty good chance you don't want to baby Your boyfriend just as much as he doesn't want to be baby. So when you see that pile of dirty clothes on the floor, just leave it he's going to get it eventually it's just not at the top of his priority list, which means it shouldn't be at the top of yours. 

2. Couple selfies


It may seem like a cute idea to take a couple selfies with your guy, but you might want to rethink that snap for some reason guys just don't want to participate in cutesy selfies, especially if they are going to end up on social media. Of course they don't mind posing and photos with you when you're on vacation or at a special event. But if you're just lounging around the house or out to dinner, there's a good chance he's cringing at the thought of selfie.


 This is mostly because ladies tend to not be happy with just one selfie. In fact, there is a good chance he's going to get stuck in a selfie photo shoot for five minutes until you find the perfect one. And the fact of the matter is he just doesn't care. He would much rather spend those five minutes having a conversation with you or cuddling on the couch.


 What's worse is the fact that many times girls who take couple selfies end up over sharing their relationships on social media research has shown that people who overshare the relationships do so because they're insecure many times they are seeking reassurance from others. And if you are happy in a relationship, that would never be the case. The best thing to do is put your phone away and just enjoy your time together as a couple.

3. Long fingernails

We are pretty sure girls with long fingernails don't get them to please men and that's a good thing because apparently guys don't like them anyway, according demand long fingernails look a little scary and really confusing. Mostly because they aren't sure how they are functional. How do you type How do you wipe How do you even hold a pen so you can write the questions? 

Go on and on in a guy's brain. They also look at long fingernails, his claws that have the potential to shred them to pieces. What happens if things start to heat up and you start clawing his skin off? These are serious concerns. When it comes to nails, men would much prefer women to keep things natural. 

That being said, we think women should do whatever makes them happy. In fact, we happen to love long nails with amazing art on them just because they might confuse a guy or they don't like them. It doesn't mean you should get rid of something you love. So to all you ladies out there with long nails wear them proudly. And to all the girls who like to rock the natural look, go for it as long as you are doing it for yourself and no one else then there is no shame in your game girlfriend.

4. Divas


Have you ever heard that men prefer girls who are divas the girl who makes them Chase and never makes their life easier? Well, that may not be exactly true. While they do love girls with confidence if it starts getting to the point that she is a jerk to everyone, it can be really unattractive.

 Now there is a difference between being a diva and being someone who demands respect from a guy someone who was a DD is more likely to be rude to servers talk trash about their friends, or if they're having a bad time everyone around them is having a bad time as well. Do you see where we are going with this?

So just like you probably don't want to put up with a girlfriend who's acting like a diva. Men don't want to either. When in doubt, just try to be nice to everyone. Kindness always wins in the end mind games, just like men don't like a girl who acts like a diva. 

5. A girl having bad energy



 If a girl has bad energy, it's going to be a major turnoff for a guy that isn't because he has to work hard to please them. It's because there's actually no pleasing these types of women at all. They will find any excuse to bring anyone down and it just gets exhausting. We are pretty sure this is exhausting for everyone, not just men. 

 They definitely don't like women who play mind games. This usually happens in the first few months of dating someone new you aren't sure if they like you so you start playing games with them. This may not be intentional. say they text you and instead of responding he wait 30 minutes before replying. The thing is if the person sees you active on social media, they are going to assume you're ignoring them. 


And if you have ever had this happen to you, then you already know it doesn't feel good. So why would you put someone else through the same thing, but just because men claim they don't like games doesn't mean they aren't active participants. There are times that it will feel like a guy's playing games with you. But the reality is, he probably just isn't sure what he wants.


And if this is something that bothers you, you should probably just call it quits at the end of the day relationships that start off this way never really last. It's always best to be honest with your guy about your feelings. And if they can't handle them, then they aren't the best person for you too much perfume.

5. Being too much scented


Have you ever had a guy walk up to you and it smelled like he just drowned in his cologne? It wasn't very nice was it? Well, the same can be said for women who put on too much perfume Not only is putting too much perfume on a major turnoff, but the way the perfume smells maybe making it worse, there are actual sense that guys just can't stand. So what are they don't worry, we have all the details to help you avoid making a smelly first impression when you meet a guy.

                               One of the smells you should avoid is anything musky, men associate musky odour with their grandmothers. And we are pretty sure that this is the last image you want to put in his head when he's with you. Also smells like rose will bring visions of his Nana to his mind. Surprisingly, men are also turned off by overly flowery or sweet sense. On the other hand, men like fresh smells like clean linen, vanilla and fragrances with woody notes.

                             That being said, if you like a certain smell, then who cares if your guy doesn't, you should wear perfume that pleases you and makes you happy. So don't worry what a guy thinks your own approval is what matters the most. So spray away being too attached. 

6. Being too attached

If you feel like you can't live without your guy, you may be putting too much pressure on him and the relationship sometimes it's hard to see when this is happening. But let us tell you guys feel smothered by girls who are too attached. Now we don't mean sharing a strong emotional bond with your guy.


We're talking about being attached to the hip with him relationships should consist of two separate lives coming together as an enhancement to one another and you should never be completed by having someone else in your life. This can be even scarier for a guy when you get too attached too soon, just like it probably freaks you out. When a guy comes on too strong. The same can be said when she was on the other foot.


The trick to prevent this is to be happy with yourself before you get into a relationship. When you put your emotional well being in the hands of others, many times they may let you down and giving that sort of power to someone too soon can be completely destructive.

 Once you were happy being single, you will find that you will become irresistible to men macho stuff. Just because someone has a Y chromosome doesn't mean they're going to be into things or activities that are considered macho, we're talking about stereotypical guy stuff like tools, sports, growing beards, you know where we are going with this.


 Just because a guy doesn't dictate what his likes and dislikes are just like you men are multifaceted. Many men love cars and working on them while others would rather not get their hands dirty. There are some guys who would love nothing more than to go to do a live sporting event with a friend. 


And on the other hand, there are men who prefer night at the ballet. Some men love to go to bars and try to pick up women because it strokes to their egos, then there are guys who would rather stay home and spend time with the people they care about. And all these things aren't mutually exclusive either. The rule is you shouldn't assume what guys like based on the fact that they are male.


 Once you take the time to get to know your guy, you might just be surprised how much you actually have in common and can we just agree to stop labeling things girly or macho? People shouldn't have to defend what they like based on their gender. Don't you agree? A silent girlfriend ;)

7. Zipping your opinions 



Guys like girls who have opinions. It means you have the competence to stand up for yourself and you won't do things you don't want to do. There are many women out there that will stay silent for the sake of not rocking the boat in a relationship but eventually not speaking up about something that bothers you will Make you resent your partner in the long run. 


While it's perfectly acceptable to do something you don't want to because it makes your man happy. If you find yourself sacrificing more times than not, then it may be time to tell him how you were feeling. It should also be noted that one of the biggest pet peeves guys have is when a girl is indecisive when he asks you what you want for dinner, you should actually have an opinion, how many times does your guy have to choose where you're going to go? 

Why don't you give him a break every now and then and just pick a place we promise he will be relieved that he won't have to make all the decisions  playing dumb. There has always been this notion that women should dumb themselves down to impress the guy. 


This is believed because in theory, men love power. And when a woman is smarter than them, it makes them feel less in charge. Does anyone else see the issue with that? Yeah, the good news is so do men. Men love being with women who have a brain and they want someone who can challenge them mentally. Plus, we are pretty sure they would much rather date girls who are completely themselves dumbing yourself down for a guy would be the complete opposite. Think of how awful it would be Keep up a lie like that. 

On the other hand, think of how great it would be to date a guy who enjoys your intellect, you can teach him things and give him great advice, both of which are excellent traits and a partner. There is also a good chance if a guy thinks you are smart, he will see you as independent.


 This is also an attractive quality and a woman. So when in doubt, just be true to yourself and let your personality shine through. Any guy who is threatened by your smarts isn't worth your time, anyways.


 Now lets wrap this blog up and I hope that all the girls would relate with this and share this with your partners to let them know how you actually feel.

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