The pulizia sora and ik do Sora order groups of Extinct Animals are not properly dinosaurs because they do not belong to the Dinosauria order. Even so, they are granted that title in honour of their great size.
It measured from 29.5 to 34.4 feet in length and was approximately 6.5 feet in height. In total, it could weigh 11 tonnes. It lives between 125 and 99 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. It is estimated that its habitat may have been extensive because of two fossil remains that have been found one in the Australian territories and another in Colombia. palaeontologists recognise it easily due to its short neck, bulging body and rear fins larger than the front ones. Its teeth exceeded 2.7 inches in length which made him a terrible carnivore. chromosomes are a genus within the pliosaur, a family. The pliosaur de plesiosaur today and the plasma sword a families form the Polizia Soria order. The difference is that please do Sora day and the plasma sora day have long necks and on the other hand, pliosaur today have short necks looking more like sharks, the Chrono Saurus clearly belongs to the latter.
Number 9: AlbertoNECTES
His name means Alberta, the swimmer. It was discovered thanks to mining excavations that
were being carried out in the bear pot formation in Alberta, Canada. The Alberto nectars are the plasma sword a family genus of the please Oh, sorry, I ordered. It lived in the waters of the Western Interior Seaway and ocean that covered from north to south a large part of the territory of North America between 76 and 70 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. It was 38 feet long of those 38 feet 22.9% bonded to its long neck composed of 76 vertebrae. Besides, among its fossil remains 97 stones that it swallowed digested food, called gastro lists have been found. These measure up to 5.3 inches and by their shape, palaeontologists determined that they came from areas near the coast.
Number 8: Stegosaurus
It is an Alaska sword a family genus of the please Oh, sorry, I ordered it live between 85 and 71 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. In the seas that cross then surrounded what is now the United States. Its length was about 39 feet, of which 16.4 feet corresponded to its neck. This wasn't the tiniest difference with the other members of the plasma sword, a next family we're not equal to at least half the length of their bodies. The sticks of sores teeth were conical and were made to catch more than to cut. In fact, this animal swallowed its entire prey 250 gastro lists have been found. In the stomach cavities of a specimen, mixed with fish bones that he ate shortly before dying.
It is a genus of a plasma sort of the please of Soria ordered it live 95 million years ago during the Cretaceous period, in what is now North America is named, which means Lord Of The Seas was inspired by its large size 39.3 feet, much like a four-storey building. Its neck, which had 62 vertebrae was half that size measuring 19.6 feet. Its skull was extremely small compared to his body. It was only 18.5 inches inside, it had teeth up to 1.9 inches in length. However, like its other relatives, it needed stones in its stomach to digest food. As the gastric walls moved, the stones would collide with each other and crush the food.
It was a marine lizard genius that was part of the mosasaur in a family. It lived at the end of the Cretaceous period. It Skol measured 4.9 feet and had jaws with more than 60 teeth. Every so often they replace their teeth like sharks. This surf to catch plesiosaurs, fish and other specimens of the Moza source family. In addition to being deadly, it was an excellent swimmer who curved its tail and fins when moving its size has been a continuous controversy. The latest studies indicate that it measured 40 feet in length, which places it as one of the largest marine animals in the time of the largest dinosaurs.
It is a genus of marine animals that belong to the Moza sword a family whose name means lizard of the great protuberance. It is characterised by its elongated snout used to catch its prey and also for interspecific combat, ie for fights that take place within the same species. Most of the time to show who the boss is another of the newest notable features of the title of the source is that it had a series of small crests on its back, it was the dominant predator in the western interior Seaway. Of all the genus subtitle source. The specific species Tyla source prologue was the largest reaching 44.9 feet in length.